our mission statement

To assist stroke survivors and their caregivers maintain and improve their overall quality of life and good health so that all of those affected by a stroke can help with the ongoing recovery of the stroke survivor and enable independent living.

Our Purpose

VSRA’s Purpose is to promote good health by:

  • providing stroke survivors and their care partners with counselling, information, group support programs, education, social and recreational activities, and care partner support
  • assisting stroke survivors and their care partners with resources, information and tools to improve quality of life and allow stroke survivors to live independently
  • providing stroke survivors with speech and adaptive physical exercise for continued rehabilitation after discharge from hospital, medical and therapy treatments
  • increasing stroke awareness for the general public, of the causes, symptoms, prevention and impact of stroke, and providing the general public with brochures, booklets, guides, educational seminars and presentations about the causes, symptoms, prevention and impact of strokes as part of our outreach program.
  • In the fall of 2024 after an initial pilot VSRA will launch a self management program fashioned after UVic/Stanford University chronic disease self management program but adapted for a stroke survivor including aphasia stroke survivors.

Activity Coordinator, Bookkeeper and Volunteers

The VSRA activities and programs would not function well without the support of many people. A few of these people are shown below who have helped greatly support the programs and events that happen throughout the year. They deserve a very large expression of appreciation and thanks for all they are doing. The board of directors knows they could not run the organization alone and without all their tremendous help. Thank You very much everyone, who has helped VSRA and continues to lend support to our mission statement.


Activity Director

Mary Anne Gibbs


Lauren Boucher








Help Support Us

As an non-profit organization we accept donations and give Tax Receipts.

We accept online donations and cheques made out to the Victoria Stroke Recovery Association, sent to the following address:

Victoria Stroke Recovery Association,
Knox Presbyterian Church
2964 Richmond Road,
Victoria, BC, V8R4V1


We’re a part of your local community

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